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Our Story

The Homeschool Hub is the go-to source for parents of homeschooled children. Founded by parents of homeschooled children, The Homeschool Hub aims to create a strong community of home educating parents and children and provide unique opportunities for homeschooled children. We offer them a chance to take part in events that they may not otherwise get to attend such as achievement and award ceremonies, disco's and proms and home education specific events and social gatherings. We will also be providing regular sessions to help children stay on their learning targets. Our kids magazine subscription offers an exciting and engaging way for kids to learn and have fun while doing it with monthly opportunities for the children to get involved in the content creation process and see their work in the magazine. Sign up today and start your journey to a more connected home education future.

Our story is only just beginning...

We are looking for london based home ed.parents to be a part of our parents panel to help shape the future of The Homeschool Hub. If you would like to get involved please send us an email to 

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